Timely changelog
August 2024: Bugsquashing and Next-Gen Memory Release Preparations

Feels like August passed in less than twelve parsecs. And while we didn't make the Kessel run, we made many improvements to Timely.
We've spent most of the year revamping the UX for automatic time tracking in Timely. We're now very close to opening the new functionality to a wider audience, and we've spent most of August preparing for this. We can't wait to share what we believe will be a game-changer with all of you!
We've also continued our focus on fixing bugs and increasing the robustness and stability of our products, including the Memory app—the "lifeblood" of Timely that runs in the background and ensures you never forget a minute of work in your timesheets.
We know reliablity is important for you, so expect this focus to continue in the months coming along with major improvements to the general usability in Timely.
Thank you for your continued trust and for being a loyal Timely customer!
New Features
We've added a new notification system that alerts you if your memory upload stops. No more silent gaps in your timeline – we've got your back! Note that this is currently only available in the next-generation Memory timeline, currently in open beta (request access here)
We've replaced our onboarding with a new, improved experience. Get ready for a smoother, more interactive welcome to Timely.
Fixed an issue where memories from Gmail integration weren't showing up. Your emails are back on the radar!
Fixed a bug where selecting "No team assignment" made further team selection impossible.
Resolved navigation issues where data wasn't loading properly on People - User - Report.
Fixed an accessibility issue with the "Connect account" button in the Windows Memory app.
Solved a problem where opening a user in a new tab didn't load the correct user or data.
Resolved a bug where bar charts were showing data of deleted users. Ghost data be gone!
Fixed an access denied error message when Team Leads tried to access entries logged to projects they weren't part of.
Resolved an issue where the Timesheets tab for a user was showing other users' time entries.
Fixed a bug where custom mapping import for the 'project_timeline' field in monday.com wasn't being processed.
Resolved a bug where the delete button appeared for archived projects even though hours couldn't be deleted. No more teasing with unusable buttons!
Fixed an issue with "Too many entries to upload ..." error message in the Windows Memory App
Fixed several issues with a new Jira integration currently in closed beta. This integration lets you import work log entries from Jira to Timely and have them display as memories on the timeline with real duration. Contact us by sending a feedback note from the Roadmap page if you're interested in testing it.
Bugfixes for Next-Generation Memory Timeline
Timestamp selections can once again be moved with drag and drop.
The brain icon on the timeline is now accurately displayed. No more false intelligence!
We've re-added the 'snap to nearest minute' feature to the timeline after it decided to hide behind a secret setting menu!
Fixed an issue where deleted memories only showed as deleted after refreshing the page. Now you'll see changes in real-time!
Resolved a visibility issue where the timeline from 00:00 to 00:45 was playing hide and seek. Early birds, rejoice!
The dropdown where you can set a time entry's state in our editor is no longer playing hide and seek behind the Memory timeline.